Shopify Web Development

Huoolong's Artistic E-commerce Hub

Developed an e-commerce and personal website for artist Huoolong, leveraging Shopify Liquid, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, featuring a quirky, minimalistic design with a lavender aesthetic to sell merchandise and showcase her work.
UI & UX Research

In an age where digital presence is as significant as the art itself, creating an online platform for Vancouver-based artist Huoolong was a project aimed at bridging the gap between her creative expressions and her growing social media following. With a focus on pop culture and trending anime, the website serves not just as a storefront for her unique prints, stickers, and accessories but also as a personal canvas to display her artistic journey.


The primary goal was to create an online store that resonates with Huoolong's artistic vision and appeals to her fanbase. The site was intended to be more than a marketplace; it was to be a digital extension of Huoolong's creative ethos, offering a user-friendly experience while handling the commercial aspects efficiently.

Technical Details

The development process involved:

  • Utilizing Shopify Liquid for the e-commerce backend, ensuring a smooth, secure shopping experience.
  • Implementing JavaScript for interactive elements, enhancing user engagement.
  • Crafting a visually appealing layout with HTML and CSS, focusing on a responsive design that adapts to various devices and screen sizes.
  • Overcoming challenges related to integrating Shopify's e-commerce capabilities with a custom, artistically driven design without compromising on performance or user experience.

Results and Impact

Post-launch, the website has seen a positive reception from Huoolong's followers, with an increase in merchandise sales and engagement on the platform. It has effectively captured the essence of Huoolong's brand, translating her artistic vision into a digital format that resonates with her audience. The website has become a central hub for fans to connect with Huoolong, showcasing the impact of a well-designed e-commerce solution on an artist's career.